Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bongo Bar @ Night Safari

Last weekend we went to Bongo Bar @ Night Safari to chill out. We arrived there at about 7pm, and since it was still early, we went Night Safari to explore and play. Btw I have unlimited free access into the zoo, muahaha.

By the moment I stepped into the safari, kena bitten by a buaya. Mahai... Chao Zoi!!!

Never mind.

At here, you can pee and poo with very pleasant mood. Because it has the scenic toilet (not scenic bridge lar Mahathir) here. You can schh schh and opps... got buaya there again... oh my zoi.

We went inside safari to take a tram round the zoo. The whole station full of indians!

I have indian friends and they are generally quite nice. But I hate to squeeze my butt together with huge mob crowd of foreign indians. Cos they are generally-

1. Damn noisy - Husband scolds wife, wife scolds running amok kid in full blast voice;

2. Damn rude - They dun care, and they just cut queue;

3. Damn smelly - I dun have to elaborate it, do I?

4. Damn gay - The guys hold hand!!!

We are damn SUAY!

Such a horrible sight


Anyway we had fun inside the Night Safari. And finally we went to Bongo Burger to have our dinner. So nice the environment.

It's an outdoor high class fast food restaurant serving the very expensive burgers. You can sit under the stars and enjoy many exciting shows... that night we watched the orang asli stunts... wahhh... alot of blow job. *wink*

Bongo Burger!!!

I hug their Beef Burger ($13). It's heavenly taste lor... omg... the juicy beef will just melt in your mouth together with those sweet onion. And their sauce is so exotic and it goes so nice with the fries.

How can the good food goes without good beer? Hehe...

becks 8:43 AM


Blogger lunaticgal said...

OMG the indian!!!!!
hmrph... i think they are not quarrelling la..
juz husband talk to wife wife talk to husband but their language talk one words bcome 5 then very noisy one lo..
ne ne ne ne ne everything one hehehe :P

10:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha, I love the crocodile picture.

1:34 AM  

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