Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Routine Life

Life is such a routine nowadays...

I hardly go out recently, and I reach home as usual at 6pm.

I actually dread to go home. Because there are tons of chores waiting for me -
  • Clean and mop dogs' pee and poo; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sweep the floor;
  • Mop the floor if nec; and
  • Wash clothes or any other things

Then I will have a glass of beer while preparing my dinner, usually just instant noodles. I always stay alone at home... lonely old man having a poor life :(

And I can sit in front of my PC until late.

I write this boring blog because I am quite down recently and I have no nonsense to crap.

Pardon me.

And I think noone ever miss me *cover my face and cry*

Sorry for what has happened to you. You must be brave okay? And I will be by your side, always.

becks 5:29 PM


Blogger JBY said...

Don't alwayz think of what you don't want. Think of what you want.

You're in self-pity mode. I'd gone through this before. Until you see the beauty of the world, you'll never find happiness and comfort.

Treats others nicely and sincerely... You'll never be alone anymore...

1:38 AM  

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