Monday, June 12, 2006

Love bug in the air...

The Ministry of Blog is monitoring with concern the recent increase in lovesick cases in the community. The Ministry would like to remind Singaporeans to maintain high standards of personal and environmental hygiene to minimize the risk of catching a love bug. The public should adopt the following good practice:
  • Avoid talking with strangers;
  • Avoid going out with strangers;
  • Avoid excessive SMSes; and
  • Do not miss someone too much if he/she is going overseas

Parents should consult a doctor immediately if their child suffering from symptoms such as excessive missing of someone, indulge in anything sinful such as watching too much TV, eating too many tibits, drinking too much alcohols, or simply singing too many session of karaoke (of sad songs).

Patient suffering from lovesick should not attend schools or works but should stay at home. They should avoid contact with other people until they have recovered. The Ministry has alerted all GPs to maintain vigilance and to detect new cases early for treatment.

becks 5:07 PM


Blogger becks said...

* in awe *
Arghhh how u noe? U saw me dancing naked last sat?

10:52 PM  

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