Monday, June 12, 2006

So freak, can?

I have this uber freakiest thing to tell you all... for the sake of her privacy, I shall conceal the identity of this girl and name her as princess. I don't think she will read this, but you see, my blog did attract some weirdoes... wahaha.


I liked this girl Princess long time ago, but she is quite dao (proud) type so being such a lame and timid guy I have NEVER out with her alone. But frankly, I don't like her now lar... really.

I have applied leave on this wednesday, for some important family thingy. And I never tell anyone I have applied leave on this wednesday.


This afternoon, I received an email from princess, yeah, email okay... so unexpected.

Princess - Will u take leave on this Wednesday? Free to meet up for lunch at harbour front on wednesday? Since u said u work very near there right? (My note: I am shock... why wednesday? So coincidental can?)

Me - ya no prob... any activities? :P

Princess - no lar, jus thinking like to go there to eat my favourite XXX. so can meet you there lunch together lor.

Me - u working that day right? ha i tot u organise any karaoke... by the way wat time is ur lunch hr? u have so much free time to travel from XXX to Harbourfront meh?

Princess - got car, it's not that far. what time is ur lunch time? i can arrange

Disclaimer: A great effort was made to conceal the identity of princess, don't come and ask me who she is, because I will never ever tell you. Kaka.

I still think that is freak... don't you?

becks 4:39 PM


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