Sunday, June 11, 2006

Wee... lots of GIFT!

Yeah... my mum back from Japan and I got lots of gifts... wahaha!

I love this one... cos they look so... cute :) botak wawa

this one looks abit funny... it's called 7 fortune gods... dude

Of cos... I also have lots of foodstuff like biscuits, chocolates, candies etc etc... one particular stuff I love most is the Dried Scallop from Hokkaido... it is not really dried, cos it actually quite juicy... and yummy!

I also got a pair of shoes too... very nice... can shine on the street one... woohoooooo...

Another Story...

I bought a hair dying kit and DIY myself... the lame Winnie scoop the remaining one and put on her hair... turn out... she got a nicer colour than mine. The colour supposed to be Smoky Brown but it hardly can be seen on my hair... Arrgghh waste my money... and she is SO happy. Siannz!

she smile so cheekily... oh, see, my shoes nice right :P

becks 5:53 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the scallops too! is awesome...whenever i heard frens goin to japan. tat is a must-help-me-buy ;)

11:17 AM  

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